Mr. Aviv Barkai

Short Biography
Aviv Barkai has been with Intel for the last 18 years, in various positions with multiple interest topics. His interests in the last several years include functional safety, reliability, security and debuggability. He is currently an offensive security researcher. Aviv Barkai received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and M.E.E. from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He is a member of ISO 26262. Aviv’s current technical passions include looking at combined platform level loopholes to find vulnerabilities. In his free time Aviv likes to play sophisticated box games with his family and cook.
Talk Title: Security and Safety: How can two walk together, except they be agreed (Amos 3:3)
Cyber Security and Functional Safety have long been considered separate both in research and in industry. There has been little or no co-design.
In this talk I will highlight the differences and the many similarities and propose a new approach to both, combining at all levels.